Age Related Macular Degeneration Management

What Is Age Related Macular Degeneration?

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), is a serious medical condition which develops slowly resulting in central vision problems. It occurs when the macula (part of the eye that controls sharp, straight-ahead vision), a part of the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye), is damaged. Initially, there are typically no signs or symptoms but gradually people suffer various vision problems damaging one or both eyes.

ARMD is a leading cause of vision loss for older people. Though it doesn’t cause complete blindness, losing the central vision can make it harder to read, drive, see faces clearly or do close-up work like cooking, stitching etc.

Macular DegenerationThe two primary types of age-related macular degeneration are:

Dry (also called atrophic ARMD): Dry macular degeneration is the common type of disorder that affects a larger portion of the population. This happens as the light-sensitive cells in the macula slowly break down, generally one eye at a time. There are small yellow coloured protein depositions called drusen under the macula that causes decreased and distorted vision. In the atrophic form of macular degeneration, blurred or blind spots in the centre of the vision become more prominent. Hence, central vision is affected largely. The loss of vision in this condition usually progresses usually slow and gradual.

Wet: Wet macular degeneration is rare when compared to the other type. It usually leads to more severe vision loss in patients than dry AMD. It happens when abnormal blood vessels grow in the back of the eye and leak blood and fluid into the retina that damages the macula.  If left untreated, blood vessels that leak blood form a scar, causing you a permanent loss of vision.

Dry macular degeneration is a gradual and progressive loss of vision, while wet macular degeneration progress at a much faster rate.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of ARMD?

Early dry ARMD doesn’t cause any symptoms. In intermediate stage, some people may not notice any symptoms while others may notice mild symptoms, like mild blurriness in their central vision or trouble seeing in low lighting. I

In late ARMD (wet or dry type), many people notice that straight lines start to look wavy or crooked, also notice a blurry area near the centre of the vision. Over the time, this blurry area may get bigger or may see a blank spots. Colours may also seem dull than before, may have more trouble seeing in low lighting and even problems with recognising people.

Particularly in case of wet macular degeneration there will be rapidly worsening symptoms.

What Causes ARMD?

The exact cause of macular degeneration is still not known. Scientific studies are describing genetic and environmental factors in the development of macular degeneration. Aging process also becomes a risk factor of macular degeneration because, with age the macula weakens. Some studies also mention that smoking, obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, sun exposure and dietary deficiencies also lead to ARMD.

What is the Treatment for ARMD?

According to modern medical science, treatment options for ARMD include intravitreal injections, photodynamic therapy, and trans-papillary thermal therapy. But often these treatments are not effective and a huge number of patients continue to suffer through the vision loss. Hence, patients look for an effective complementary and alternative medicine. Best treatment is available based on Ayurveda principles to manage ARMD effectively that includes herbs, diet modifications, and lifestyle changes to improve eye health and slow down the progression of the problem.

Shaalakya tantra is the branch of Ayurveda that deals with diseases related to the eye. Drishti dosha is the term used in Ayurveda for eye defects whereas, age-related retinal disease is referred to as Palalgata Vyadhi. Even though there is currently no cure for macular degeneration as per modern science, Ayurveda medicines and therapies, and diet correction can manage the disease condition and help to bring significant improvement in vision and assist in management of ARMD in a non-surgical manner.

The treatment which is performed in Ayurveda for macular degeneration will vary according to the disease stage and whether dry or wet type. According to Ayurveda, imbalance of Vata, Kapha, and Pitta dosha (combined or individually) causes age-related macular degeneration. Thus, the aim of Ayurveda treatment is to bring the balance in doshas which is achieved through authentic ayurvedic eye treatment procedures and Panchakarma. These eye treatments will provide nourishment to the retina and leads to improvement in the vision. Rejuvenating Ayurvedic medicine provides the strength to the retina and reversal of normal vision can also be expected.

How do we manage ARMD at Prasadini?

ARMD management at Prasadini Ayurnikethana begins with an initial consultation with Ayurveda expert doctor either through online or offline mode. The appointments may be booked either through this site or through WhatsApp.

Diagnosis involves examining individual’s body constitution that is, Prakriti, current imbalances in the body that is Vikriti, lifestyle, and emotional well-being. Our skilled Ayurvedic practitioner will evaluate the medical condition as per Ayurvedic principles, lifestyle and overall health of the individual. Based on the evaluation report the stage and type of ARMD is analysed and a personalized treatment procedure is planned that may include various classical ayurveda therapies, nutrition therapy, yoga and meditation.

Kriyakalpa procedures like Seka (Netradhara), Vidalaka, Pindi, Aschyotana, Putapaka, Anjana, Tharpana, Vidalaka, Putapaka etc., therapies like Thakradhara, Shirodhara, Nasya, Abhyanga, Panchakarma, are conducted using suitable herbs, oils and other ayurvedic preparations which are formulated as per the condition of the disease and phenotype and genotype of patient.

Based on the condition of disease and the condition of patient and as per doctors’ suggestion, the therapies, a perfect nutrition regimen, eye exercise plan, herbal formulations and the total number of days required for the complete program will be planned by our experts, thus tailoring a personalized ARMD plan.

After completion of the main treatment procedures, Rasayana (herbal medicines that has the quality of rejuvenation and healing) drugs are suggested according to the condition of the individual. Also, our doctor will provide follow-up care to ensure that you continue to maintain optimal health and wellness. This may include guidance on lifestyle, nutrition care and continued use of herbal formulations to maintain optimum health.

Package includes

  • Doctors’ consultation
  • Ayurveda therapy charges.
  • Medicines and oils used for the treatment procedures
  • Three meals (Sathvik, pure vegetarian diet) and herbal drinks and juices as per the detox plan.
  • Accommodation (Non-A/C double/ single occupancy room with 24 hours hot water supply.)
  • Sessions on healthy lifestyle, nutrition, and healing.
  • Yoga, Pranayama and meditation sessions.
  • Room services and nursing services.
  • Access to Wi-Fi.

Reservation Criteria

We are deeply concerned with quality of classical Ayurveda therapies and services we provide. We take limited number of individuals each month to meet this purpose. Therefore, its necessary to confirm your participation by reserving therapeutic packages at least two weeks in advance.

  • The 50% of the total package charges must be paid in advance while booking your packages.
  • The remaining 50% charges can be paid on the first day of the treatments before starting therapies.